South Africa: Mark

Managed to visit at least 3 National Parks and a couple of Reserves
Table Mountain NP, Cape Agulhas NP and Tankwa Karoo NP
No rhinos though!!

South Africa is an amazing place. To my mind it shows all that is best and worst about the human world. Politically, socially and more importantly environmentally.

South African wildlife was exterminated many years ago and the countryside trashed. Despite its size (twice the size of France), however beautiful and spectacular, it is now a vast agri-industrialised landscape. Overgrazed, overused and over exploited.And yet despite this it has some of the most stunning conservation successes in the history of mankind and the trend is upward.

For example …the Tankwa Karoo is now over 1,400 sq km (tiny compared to the farmland around but vast by UK standards) is slowly being restored and restocked. Returning it back to its former glory.

If you get a chance go. It had one of the best night skies in Africa